Tuesday, January 11, 2011

thing 13

I can not say that I enjoyed this THING.  I found that alot of the podcasts were blocked.  I was able to find a news one.  It is the same as listening to a book on audio to me.  I started out at podcast.com and had no luck so I tried to google podcast and different subjects.  Finally I gave up and went to mediafly and listen to a podcast on CNN.  I will try at home and see if I have better luck.  If I was using just to listen then they would be nice but I like to a video to go with it.


  1. Sorry this Thing was frustrating. I limited us to these two sites so there wouldn't be a problem with blocking as long as you clicked Play. Were you trying to download them, or just play them?

  2. I was just trying to play them. It was also that I am not a fan of podcasts.
